Radioactivity in water

With the Decree of 2 August 2017 (in Official Journal no.212 of 11-09-2017) the Ministry for Health provided indications aimed at ensuring the uniform, consistent application throughout Italy of the Legislative Decree 28/2016 which dictates the requisites (for the protection of the population’s health) of radioactive substances found in water destined for human consumption

Based on the monitoring plans drawn up by the bodies in charge,

samples of  water are taken and  222Rn and 3H are measured and the total alpha and beta content are determined ( Indicative Dose).

In specific cases or in the event of an anomaly

Strontium (90Sr), 226Ra, 234U, 235U, 238U, 210Po, 210 and also  238Pu, 239/240Pu may be measured.

The providers may carry out internal controls or appoint external  laboratories: whichever laboratory conducts the tests, it must be accredited by ACCREDIA in accordance with the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard.

LB Servizi has accreditation in accordance with the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard for its laboratories, and thus can guarantee sampling, measurement, testing and certification services required for the implementation of and compliance with the law.

Compliance is mandatory

Compliance is the responsibility of the companies who manage drinking water distribution networks or use water destined for human use (e.g. Pasta making plants, aqueducts, mineral waters etc).

LBS has state-of-the-art equipment, which uses the coincidence of signals on three detectors arranged around an optical chamber to minimise spurious signals or that come from the environmental background (TDCR). In this way, LBS can ensure that even extremely low activity will be identified in short measuring periods


Determination of activity concentration in a sample of water destined for human consumption.


  • Sistema di lettura a bassissimo fondo;
  • Tempi di misura brevi;
  • Minima attività rilevabile nel rispetto del Decreto 2 agosto 2017 (in GU n.212 del 11-09-2017) ;
  • Piattaforma online per la consultazione delle misure ed il download dei rapporti di prova.


Reference standard: ISO 13164-4:2015
Instrument: HIDEX 300SL
Liquid scintillator: Opti-Fluor O, Perkin Helmer
Minimum detectable activity: 1 Bq/L

Technical Specifications – Determination of the Trizio concentration
Reference standard: UNI EN ISO 9698:2019
Instrument: HIDEX 300SL
Liquid scintillator: Ultima Gold AB, Perkin Helmer
Minimum detectable activity: 10 Bq/L

Technical specifications – Determination of the alpha and beta emitting radionuclide concentration
Reference standard: UNI EN ISO 11704:2019
Instrument: HIDEX 300SL
Liquid scintillator: Ultima Gold AB, Perkin Helmer
Minimum detectable activity: alpha 0.04 Bq/L – beta 0.2 Bq/L
Technical Specifications – Determination of the Radio 226 concentration

Reference standard: ISO 13165-1:2013
Instrument: HIDEX 300SL
Liquid scintillator: Opti-Fluor O, Perkin Helmer
Minimum detectable activity: 0.04 Bq/L